Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fork This - Episode 22 - Midweek Purchase


Incase you couldn't figure it out from our little episode... BJ and I bought a house this week :)

We are soo excited to FINALLY be moving in together, into our own place... Which has a backyard perfect for gatherings and Cooper.

We move in January 2012 so it's not long at all.

The process of us buying a house happens super quickly. We started looking online and then decided to sit down with our finance guy and see where we were at. He told us we could be looking seriously now and so two weeks ago we decided to spend a Saturday looking at open houses. The first one we went to was the one we bought. Only went to two others that weekend. Discussed it all and put an offer in on the weekend. Kept everything top secret so we didn't jinx it and Monday night we recieved the call.

Agent: 'It's Yours!!!!'. 
Me: Makes the    *'We bought a house!!!!'*    face at BJ while he was driving
BJ: 'Shit! I have to pull over!'

We rang the parents and told them the news. But because we wanted to wait till we had the contracts in our hands we kept the secret a little bit longer. Tuesday i went and picked up the contracts and we decided this episode was the best way to share with the world our exciting news.

This was something i've been looking forward to for such a long time and to finally been able to do it.... Well, i couldn't be happier. But on top of that i got to share the process with BJ. It was just the two of us. We found the house, we agreed, we made the decisions, we put in the offer (with some advice for parents), we did it all.

It was something i felt was just for the two of us. No one else needed to know until we had something to share and i'm soo happy we didn't tell. I didn't want anyone putting any negativity on it, or have put it out there too much and have too many people wanting to know what's going on with it.... The questions from other people stressed me out more then buying a house ever could. 

Congratulations for my wonderful partner BJ for achieving such an amazing thing. We have just taken a GIANT leap forward and i know we will both be super happy with it. 
I also want to thank both mine and BJ's mum's for coming and checking out the property and giving us sooo much support during this time. You are both fantastic and we are sooo lucky.

NOW all our overseas friends can start saving for their trips to Australia as we have a bed with ALL of your names on it.... Travelling orgy!!!

Thanks for reading my exciting babbles about this awesomeness.


PS: IF you happen to have any furniture or other household items you'd be looking at getting rid of... PLEASE keep BJ and I in mind.
As we haven't rented before buying, we have accumilated much for our house as yet so we are seeking quiet a bit of stuff :)
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